Callaway County, Missouri Journal

Barkersville Cemetery

SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of section 11 township 44 range 10 west- 4.7 miles west of Tebbetts on top of a bluff overlooking Hy 94 at the Barkersville Christian Church. April 1972

Cemetery at Barkersville Christian Church


Babb, Willie W. 1874- 1941


Boone, Henry 1849- 1935


Dickson, Amanda E. died 19 October 1958 aged 85 years


Evans, A. Newell 1866- 1950

Evans, Annie-1874- 1952

Evans, Mariah W. 19 March 1837- 28 December 1923


Frevert, Edward H. died 25 March `1909 aged 16 years 4 months 6 days-son of F. A. and H. Freevert

Frevert, Fritz A. 10 May 1861- 28 march 1909


Johnson, Harry Jennings 17 March 1897-03 September 1922


Languell, Andrew E, 1891- 1966

Languell, Frances E. 13 June 1861- 13 February 1917

Languell, Hattie 1888 with Andrew E.

Languell, Mamie M. 18 September 1891- 24 August 1922

Languell, Pvt. Ova Bagby 04 March 1900- 26 November 1919- dischared from Co. D. M. B. Paris Island. SC 26 April 1919

Languell, Rural Lee 01 October 1896- 08 September 1922


Mattern E. Wheeler 1889- 1969


Oetting, Leta 1874- 1962


Sanders, Infant born and died 23 April 1907- son of W. J. and M. E. Sanders

Sanders, Infant 02 September 1910- 13 September 1910, daughter of W. J. and M. E. Sanders

Sanders, William J. died 24 November 1954 aged 74 years 8 months 11 days


Shaw, John W. died 02 February 1911 aged 68 years 2 months 5 days

Shaw, Lydia M. 30 September 1855-17 January 1909- wife of John Shaw


White, Delilah A. 08 march 1878- 28 July 1967

White, James W. 15 March 1865- 19 April 1946

Another marked grave that was unreadable

