Callaway County, Missouri Journal

BULLARD Family Cemetery

Located in Township 49N, Range7W, Section 1 or Section 2

Information for this cemetery was received from Catherine Baker Carter, McFarland, California in 1969. She was a descendant of Richard Bullard and Amelia Caroline Conyers Bullard.


Richard and Caroline Amelia Conyers- married Octover 22 1829 in Virginia


William Collier and Harriette Bullard married Apriil 129 1848.

Children of William and Harriette Bullard Collier:


Children of William French and Eliza Jane Bullard


Children of John T. Harrison and Sally A. Bullard:

Additional Bullard Family burial in Benton City, Audrain County, Mo.

Bullard, Martha C.- wife of Wm. S. Bullard- Mar 3 1846- April 12 1926- 80 yrs 1mo 9ds.

Douglas, Nora S.- daughter of Wm. S. and Martha Bullard- Aug 17 1872- Jan 19 1959- aged 86 yrs 5 mos 2 days

Baker, William J.- Jan 20 1845- Dec 15 1936- aged 91 y 10m 23d-husband of Susan Catherine Bullard[ married Oct 7 1869]

Baker, Susan Catherine- July 9 1851- Dec 2 1909- aged 58 ys 4m 23d.

Harrison, John T.- husband of Sally Ann Bullard [bireid Bullard Cem]- Aug 10 1822- Aug 30 1894- aged 72 y 20d

The next two are sons of Richard and Caroline A. Bullard, not buried in either cemetery.

Bullard, Charles R.- Oct 22 1843- Aug 29 1901- buried At Fort Collins, CO.- married Mary I. Dillard

Bullard, John T.- died "somewhere in the west"- never married- born Feb 2 1846.

Richard Bullard and Caroline Amelia Conyers moved from Spotsylvania County, Virgina to Callaway County in 1838, in the New Bloomfield area. In 1852, they moved to the farm where the cemetery is located.

"Uncle John Baker said" Grandparents Bullard, [ Richard and Caroline] were betrothed so young, he gave her a doll as a Christmas Present".
