Caldwell, Thomas. born Bourbon Co., KY 20 June 1792- died 05 Jan. 1870
Caldwell, Eleanor Boyd, his wife born in North Carolina, 19 Jan 1788- died 24 Oct 1863. Daug of Thomas and Grizella Boyd. Thomas and Elanor married in 1813.
Caldwell, Thomas H. born 27 June 1818 in Nicholas Co., Ky., died 1845
Caldwell, John B.
Caldwell, Kitty A. Elley, born 17 Dec 1821 in Culpeper Co., Va., died _____, daug of Henry and Mary F. Elley
Caldwell, Newton
2nd Listing of Caldwell Cemetery provided by Joyce Johnston
Thomas Henderson Caldwell; born Jun 20, 1792. Died: Jan 20, 1870.
Eleanor (Boyd) Caldwell; born Jan 19, 1788; died: Oct 24, 1863
Their children:
Robert Allen Caldwell; b. 1814; d. 1888
Thomas Howe Caldwell; b. Jun 27, 1888; d. Calloway Co. MO
John Boyd Caldwell; b. Feb 28, 1822; d. Aft 1919
Grizella Boyd Caldwell; b. Bef 1826-married John G. Braton
James Rankin Caldwell; b. Bef 1826
Newton Gamble Caldwell; b. Bef 1826
It is said he left Bourbon Co. KY on Oct 10, 1826 and reached Callaway Co. MO on Nov 18, 1826.
His wife Eleanor is said to be the dau of Thomas and Grizella (Allen) Boyd and had a sister Jane married to Isaac B. Howe.
Any help on locating this cemetery will be very much appreciated.
Thank you, Joyce Johnston
It was very nice to hear from you. It is certainly OK by me if you wish to use to the info you mentioned for your site.
Another source for Caldwell Cemetery info is , who will be posting his data on the internet at some date. A lady named Linda (Boyd) Lawhon has a Gedcom on World Connect at (I hope I get this right):