Callaway County, Missouri Journal

Old Coats Homestead Cemetery

Twn 46N, Rng 08W, Sec. 15, SE1/4 of SW1/4

Photo by Wayne E. Johnson, February 06, 2002

Just found this info in my files: My cousin, Oral Zane Rusk, son of Beulah Coats Rusk, found the old coats cemetery a number of years ago. (He had a private plane and spotted the area from the air. Apparantely before the nuclear plant.) Following notes (I believe you all have had this years ago:) "Old Coat's Homestead Cemetery, Coats Prairie, South of Reform.


Coats, Lemuel B., died 10 Oct. 1863

Coats, Mary L., born 29 June 1864, died 1 June 1876, aged 11 yrs. 11 mos. 2 days


Maddox, Stephen F., son of S. and P. Maddox, died 10 Oct. 1863, aged 26 yrs. 11 days


Tennyson, Vediea, wife of J.W. Tennyson, died Nov. 27, 1893, aged 24 yrs. 6 mos. 26 days,

plus several graves marked with field stones.

Taken by O. Z. Rusk, G.G.G. Grandson of Rev. Wm. Coats, 4 June 1969."

Note from Sue: Zane Rusk died the first part of this year (2002). He lived in Texas.

February 10, 2002


Coats, Lemuel B. died 10 Oct 1863 aged 46 years 4 days

Coats, Mary L. 29 June 1864- 01 June 1876 aged 11 years 11 mos 2 days


Maddox, Stephen B. son of S. & P. Maddox died 10 Oct 1863 aged 26 yrs 11 days


Tennyson, Vedia- wife of J. W. Tennyson died 27 Nov 1893 aged 24 years 6 mos 26 days
