General Location: 4 miles NE of Steedman.
SW NE SW SW Section 19, R07W, T46N - 38º 44" 14' N Latitude 91º 45" 27' W Longitude
This listing courtesy of Paul A. Johnson,
Date of Listing: February 05, 2002
From the Junction of Rte 94 and Rte CC, South of Steedman, follow Rte 94 Easterly 1.7 miles to a Junction with a county road, follow the county road Northerly 0.45 mile to a Junction with a 2nd county road, follow the 2nd county road Northeasterly 0.45 mile to another Junction, follow the North tending road 1.5 mile to a field enterance with a gate on the left. Private property, get permission. Enter the field enterance and turn right and follow a steep trail uphill to the NW for 800 feet. The Cemetery lies on the left.
Alkire, Clamantaney - wife of Samuel Alkire - died May 23, 1895 aged 73 y 8 m 10 d
Alkire, Edgar Clide - son of J.R. & L.C. Alkire - born Dec. 14, 1886 - died Jan. 27, 1887 - footstone ECA
Alkire, Frances P. - dau. of J.R. & L.C. Alkire - born Feb. 24, 1883 - died Mar. 18, 1863
Alkire, J.R. - born Aug. 17, 1887 - aged 18 y 1 m 3d
Alkire, James R. - son of S & M Alkire - born Aug. 16, 1832
Alkire, Mattie - dau. of W.M. & M.W. Alkire - born Dec. 25, 1863 - died Mar. 18, 1863(?)
Alkire, Mahala - wife of S. Alkire, dau of J. & R. Gibson - died Sep. 26, 1837 - aged 22 y 2 m 12 d
Alkire, Samuel - died Feb. 2, 1870 - aged 59 y>
Bezler, John J. - son of Christ & M. Bezler - died July 31, 1880 - Aged 25/26 y 3 m 26 d>
Clanton, Alison Alkire - son of Wm. H. & Laura A. Clanton - died Nov. 4, 1892 - aged 28 y - footstone AAC>
Clanton, John D. - son of Wm. H. & L. A. Clanton, died Oct. 13, 1860/9 - footstone JDC
Clanton, Samuel T. - son of Wm. H. & L. A. Clanton - died June 20, 1862 - aged 4 m 1 d - footstone STC
Gibson, Albert - son of J & R Gibson - died Oct. 19, 1821 - E 1 m 29 d
Gibson, Bethel - son of J & R Gibson - footstone BG
Gibson , James H. - son of J & R Gibson - died Oct. 3, 1822 - A 3 y 10 m 11 d
Gibson, Maj. John E. - died May 20, 1869 - aged 93 yrs
Gibson, Malinda - dau of J & R Gibson - died Dec. 9, 1821 - A 8 y 5 m
Gibson, Marshal - born Jan. 4, 1823 - died May 15, 1910
Gibson, Mary C. - his wife - died Dec. 18, 1888 - Aged 59 y 9 m 1 d - footstone MCG
footstone GA
Kubachak, Mary - born July 17, 1848 - died Feb. 4, 1917 - footstone WK
Ladman, Anna - wife of Antony Ladman - died Oct. 3, 1899 - aged 84 y 8 m - footstone AL
Thomas, Fritz - died July 10, 1902 - aged 65 yrs
Thomas, John F. - died Stp. 5, 1900 - aged 25 y 10 m 5 d
Thomas, Nellie - dau of J.F. & Pollie Thomas - aged at death 11 m - footstone NT
Thomas, William - son of J.F. & Pollie Thomas - aged at death 8 m - footstone WT
Thomas, Baby - aged at death 2 wks
footstone PT