Callaway County, Missouri Journal

Oliver Family Cemetery [3]

The cemetery is located in Township 44N, Range 11W, Section 11, SW1/4 of NE1/4 of SW1/4 of NE1/4 (subject to Paul's revision) and is situated on property known as Honey Hill Orchard which is just off of Halifax Road.

The property owners are:

Alan J. and Mary Aubuchon
          12502 Honey Hill Orchard Rd.
          Jefferson City, MO 65101
          (573)-896-5568 (a Holt's Summit phone number)

Mr. Aubuchon met us at my prior arrangement and accompanied us to the burial site, not more than 150 ft. off of the gravel road through open pasture and was most helpful and pleasant.

Twn. 44N, Rng. 11W, Sec. 11, SW1/4 of NE1/4

Located just off of Halifax Road approximately 1.2 miles Northeast of the Junction of Hwy AC with Halifax Road. The cemetery is in 'Honeyhill Orchard' and is fenced with a rail fence. An earlier listing was taken from a listing compiled by Al Ewens and S. Turner Lawson, April 1, 1985; but is now corrected with this listing, April 24, 2002.


020424001 Oliver, Mary G., d. Jan. 06, 1852, wife of T.H. Oliver, in the 42d year of 'of' her age.

020424001 Oliver, William, AE 2 mo. 19 da., their son.

020424002 Oliver, T.H., d. Dec. 18, 1855, aged 45 ys. 4mo. 9 d.

This concludes the listing for this burial site.



April 24, 2002