This cemetery is located in Callaway County in close proximity to the Montgomery County line. The SE part of Section 11, Township 47N-Range 7West. [ John Coleman farm] This is private property and cannot be accessed readily. The Cal-Mont Boone Family Association fenced this cemetery and set these tombstones in concrete. These pictures were taken in June of 1983 or 1985.
Captain Samuel Boone was the fourth son of George [younger brother of Daniel Boone] and Nancy Ann Linville Boone. He settled in this area in 1818. Captain Samuel married Anna Simpson, circa fall of 1804. Another Simpson sister, Dorcas Simpson White married Edward Boone, brother to Captain Samuel Boone. According to Spraker's "Boone families", a sister, probably names Sarah, married Soloman Simpson.
Note: Dorcas Simpson White and her first husband, Archibald White were the parents of two sons: [1] Morgan B. White who married 1st Mary Ann Marmaduke, 2nd to Mrs. McMurry Hughes. [2] Archibald white, Jr.
Known Burials
Boone, Samuel- born Jan 15 1782 Madison Co., Ky- died Jan 15 1872- Callaway County
Simpson, Solamon- May 22 1811- Dec 19 1850
Simpson, James- Aug 11 1813- Sept 25 1850
Simpson, Christopher- Feb 5 1852-aged 57 years 9 months 2 days
Chambers, Robert A.- April 12 1831- Sept 25 1854
Old listing prior to fencing and cleaning states that only the Captain Samuel Boone stone was standing and nearby were numerous slave graves marked with rough stones.
Members of the Cal Mont Boone Association at the dedication.