Callaway County, Missouri Journal

Pasley Cemetery

Location of this cemetery is unknown. Because of the location in the federal census of an F. R. and Flemming R. Pasley, in Fulton Township, I would first look within this township for land/probate records for F. R. Pasley and then the physical location of the property. He is the earliest burial in this cemetery.

1860 PASLEY F. R. Callaway County MO 899 Fulton P.O. Federal Population Schedule MO 1860 Federal Census Index  
1870 PASLEY FLEMMING R. Callaway County MO 339 Fulton Twp Federal Population Schedule MO 1870 Federal Census Index  



Brooks, Alice PASLEY, 1866- ??, daughter of F. R. and M. F. Pasley


Craghead, Virginia PASLEY, 1864- ?, daighter of F. R. and M. F. Pasley


Dudley, Wm. T. 25 June 1857- 24 May 1918

Dudley, Sarah M., his wife and daughter of F. R. and M. F. Pasley

Dudley, Lillian, 16 Mau 1891- 14 August 1891

Dudley, Earl Reasd, 19 August 1896- 01 September 1896 [children of Wm. T. and Sarah M. Pasley Dudley


Jenning, Charles W. died 18 November 1896, aged 38 years, 7 mos., 11 days

Jennings, Ida K. PASLEY, daughter of F. R. and M. F. Pasley, died 18 May 1904, aged 45 years, 2 months 26 days [1859]


PASLEY, F. R. 30 April 1826- 01 September 1875.

Pasley, Millie F., his wife, 26 January 1834- 24 Augusr 1919

Pasley, Early P. 1869-1933

Pasley, alexander S., 1857- 1909

Pasley, Isabel 17 December 1871- 11 March 1901

Pasley, James D. 1874-?

