Tate Family Cemetery

Callaway County, Missouri Journal

Tate Family Cemetery

Located in the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 1, Township 47N, R7W

Tate Cemetery Photo

Tate Cemetery, Callaway County, Missouri


Tate, Jesse N. [Netherland]- died June 18 1891, aged 83 y 9m 14d [born September 14, 1807 in Bedford Co., VA]

Tate, Mary, [Carter] wife of Jesse, born in VA- died October 30 1869 aged 54 yrs [2nd wife of Jesse N. Tate, married Sept 27 1832, Bedford Co., VA]

Tate, Martha J. daughter of J. N. & M. born Jan 7 1854-died October 6 1854 aged 8m 8d

Tate, Permelia died November 10 1901 aged 58 y 2 m 20d [ daughter of Jesse N. Tate, never married]

Tate, Henry F. born July 4 1841-died Aug 12 1913 [ married Dru Shane Hall- Jan 14 1864- Callaway Co., MO]

Tate, Drewshane, [Hall] wife of Henry F. born Aug 7 1845, died Aug 7 1931


Frank, Fred- born Aug 16 1858-died Mar 11 1929

Frank, Fannie- wife of Fred- born May 7 1850 [died Sept 10 1937]


Cole, Susan A., wife of W. C. Cole, born March 6 1837-died Jan 5 1879 aged __ y, 9m. 29d. [ daughter of Jesse N. Tate- married William Cole, [one child, mother and child died and are buried together].

Source of information: This cemetery was recorded in 1982 by AL Ewens and S. T. Lawson and "Tate Families of the South" information in [ ].

There are other graves here marked with native stones.


The cemetery is in fair condition with a number of stones standing [May 2001]. The current owners of the property are beginning to clear the cemetery.This cemetery was recorded in 1982 by AL Ewens and S. T. Lawson



Jesse Netherland Tate moved to Callaway County, MO., in 1836.

JESSE NETHERLAND TATE 1807  VA -1891 MO Julia Hepinstall/Mary Carter
812   (of # 339) JESSE NETHERLAND TATE 1807  VA -1891 MO Julia Hepinstall/Mary Carter
  Children of : Jesse N Tate    
1447 Caleb George Tate-

child of 1st wife

1828-1902 Mary Ann Nichols/Martha Elizabeth
1448 Sarah Tate 1833 Died in Infancy
1449   * William O. Tate 1835 Nancy Lauer
1450 Susan Tate 1837 William Cole
1451 Mary Tate 1839 John Lynch
1452   *  Henry Franklin Tate 1841 Drue Shane Hall
1453 Permilia Tate 1844 Spinster
1454 Jennetta Tate 1845 Charles Covington
1455   * Thomas Tate 1848 Mary Kelsick
1456 Louisa Fannie Tate  1850 Fred Franks
1457 Martha Tate 1854-1854 Died Infant


