Callaway County, Missouri Journal

Kidwell - Farmer Family Cemetery

Farmer Cemetery located in the NW 1/4 of the NE section of section 5, Township 44 north, range 9 west, t Tebbetts, northwest of the Methodist Church. Property was owned in 1973 by the Bartley family.

  1. Bartley, Minnaloa-14 March 1869- 08 June 1880- daughter of D. M. and N. E. Bartley
  2. Farmer, Infant- died 19 July 1875- son of H. A. and A. I. Farmer
  3. Famer, Jesse-died 10 September 1872 aged 66y
  4. Farmer, Nancy- 18 July 1821-26 September 1866
  5. Kidwell, N. Chapman- died March 28 1866 aged 1y 11m 28d-son of W. L. and W. N. Kidwell
  6. 5 or more graves with rough field stones and no markers.

Recorded March 1973

2. Farmer Cemetery-north of Wainright- appears to be in section 26 of township 45 north range 10 west.

See Farmer Cemetery # 1 on cemetery listings

