Callaway County, Missouri Journal

Ridgeway Private Family Cemetery


Ridgeway Private Cemetery
T49 R11W Sec 26 SE/SE 

RIDGEWAY, Ninian, died 05 December 1869, aged 83 yrs 10 mos 21 ds. ( b. 15 January 1786)

RIDGEWAY, James R. b. 03 July 1828-d. 15 March 1880

These are all listed as children of J. R. and M. F. Ridgeway.

J. M. b. 02 December 1854-d. 02 January 1885, son of J. R. and M. F. Ridgeway
Sally A. d. 12 March 1861 aged 11 mos 11ds, daughter of J. R. and Martha F. Ridgeway
Edgar W., d. 06 June 1864, aged 6 yrs 9 mos 9 ds, son of J. R. and Martha F. Ridgeway
H. W. b. 19 January 1865, d. 13 February 1890, son of J. R. and Martha F. Ridgeway
Cyntha M., d. 21 October 1875, aged 8 yrs, daughter of J. R. and Martha F. Ridgeway
Jasper R., b. 25 April 1871-d. 28 March 1885, son of J. R. and M. F. Ridgeway
Franklin L., d. 19 December 1876, aged 1 yr 21 ds, son of J. R. and M. F. Ridgeway
Effie D., b. 18 August 1879-d. 03 April 1880, daughter of J. R. and M. F. Ridgeway

Boone County, MO History 1884, page 638, lists a Serralla L. Ridgeway as being the daughter of James R. and Mary F. (Wigginton) Ridgeway. Married Jacob W. Douglass.

RIDGEWAY, Redmond Z. b. 01 January 1862-d. 22 March 1885.

RIDGEWAY, Pickney F., d. 10 March 1878, 24 yrs 11 mos 10 ds., son of A. D. and A. A. Ridgeway
RIDGEWAY, Ambrose R., d. 29 April 1854, aged 3 yrs 3 mos 6 ds, son of A. D. and Ann A. Ridgeway


Ninian Ridgeway patented land 1848 in the same township, section and range. SENE  26/  49-N  11-W  No  5th PM  MO  Callaway 
James R. Ridgeway patented land in 1850, NWNE  11/  49-N  8-W  No  5th PM  MO  Callaway 
Ambrose D. Ridgeway patented land in 1848, SWNE  12/  49-N  8-W  No  5th PM  MO  Callaway 
Callaway County History 1884, page 227: Ninian Ridgeway married Martha Redmon of Kentucky and settled in Callaway County in 1823. They had John D., William, Zachariah, James R., A. D., ( Ambrose D. ) Martin H., Mary, Thomas, Nancy, Martha and Sarah. They all settled in Boone, Callaway or Montgomery Counties. ( They may have had another child, born ca 1814 in Clark Co.KY named Reason Ridgeway, not proven.)
Ninnian Ridgeway is also listed Hist. Of the Pioneer Fams. Of Mo. By Will. S. Bryan et al. St. Louis, Mo. 1876. (Xvii,569p.):369
"Born in Berkeley County, Virginia, the son of John Ridgeway, Jr.who was born in Prince Georges Co., Maryland, died in Berkely Co., Va. ( John and his brother Phillip, being Quakers, furnished at their own cost, substitutes to the Virginia Militia, thus are recognized for having provided public service during the Revolutionary War. ( refer: DAR #765400.)
Ninnian was ordained a Baptist Minister in 1818. Married: 25 JAN 1807 in Clarke County, Kentucky to Martha "Patsy" 1786 in Ky. d.
died 1836 MO. "Source: Gertrude N. Brick & Thurman Ridgway, "Ridgways USA", 1980 Gateway Press, pg 598