The History and Genealogy of Callaway County, Missouri

Pioneers of Callaway County, Missouri
from:   Campbell's Gazateer of Missouri

[See Table Legend at bottom of page.]

Ansel, Thos.,

Adcock, Joel. ¥

Alien, Archibald, ¥

Alien, Bethel,

Anderson, Wm.,

Armstrong, Wm.,

Arnes, D. C.,*

Baker, Jacob,

Bailey, Benjamin,*

Bailey, John,

Baily, King,

Baker, Edmond,*

Baker, Martin,

Baker, William,*

Baker, James,

Barlow, John,

Barnes, Albert, ¥

Bartley, John & Geo.

Basket, Martin,

Benson, C.,

Berry, Richard,

Berry, Sam. H;* & E. G.,

Bird, Marcus,*

Blunt, Sam.,*

Board, John,*

Boone, Albert,

Boone, Jessu,

Boone, J. M.,

Boone, Capt. Sam.,

Boulware, Stephen,

Boulware, Theodrick,

Boyd, Col. John,

Boyd, Rev. Joseph,

Brite, Henry,

Broadwell, Wm.,

Brooks, Thomas,

Brown, Felix,

Upright, Michael,*

Bryant, J. T. *

Bryant, Sam.,

Burney, S. H.,*

Burt, Georgia,*

Burt, Gordon,*

Burt, John & Henry,

Bush, Jordan,*

Callaway, Joseph,

Campbell, John,*

Carrington, Randolph,

Carter, C, C.,*

Caswell, Thos.,

Chany, Rubin,

Chase, E.,

Childs, J. H. *

Buchanan, Wm.,

Cheatham, C. D. H.,*

Clark, John,

Coats, James & Wm.,

Coats, Rev. Wm.,

Collins, Barba, ¥

Conger, Dr. John,

Cook, Zoah,

Coons, Henry,

Craig, C. F. *

Craig, Talliver,

Craig, Larkin,

Crump, J. S.,*

Crump, Richard,

Craighead, R.M.,

Craighead, J. R.,

Craiehead, Solomon,

Craighead, Wm. & Stephen*

Criswell, Robert,

Criswell, George & Wm.,*

Crow, R. H. ,*

Curd, Dr. Isaac,

Darno, George,

Davis, John & James,

Davis, Robert,

Day, Charles A.,

Driscol, James,"

Dowson, E.,

Dozier, Wm.,

Duncell, Wm.,

Duley, Wm.,

Dunlap, David,

Dunlap, Robert,

Dyer, John,

Dyer, W. H. &. Sam.,

Edwards, Wm.,

Ellis, Ben.,*

Ellis, Henry & Abraham,

Evans, Jesse, Geo. & John,

Everhart, J.,*

Ewing, James,

Ewing, Patrick, ¥

Ferguson, John,

Ferguson, J. S.,Sr.,

Ferguson, J. S.,

Ferguson, Swarm,

Ficklin, Wm.,

Fisher, Thos. & Jos.,*

French, John,

Fruit, E. & A.,

Gathright, M.,*

Galwith, J. W., (see below)

Games, Gideon, ¥

Garrett, W. B., ¥

Gibson, Maj. John,

Gill, James,*

Glendy, S.,

Glover, Jesse. ¥ & Sam.,

Goodridge, James

Grant, Israel B., & L,.B.

Grant, Sam.,*

Grant, Wm. & Joseph,

Gray, Wm. & John B.,*

Guerant, Stephen,

Guthrie, S. L.,

Hall, Wm.

Ham, John

Hamilton, James

Harding, Ben. ¥

Hardey, George,

Harper, John,

Harrison, Major John,

Harrison, Thos. Sr..

Harrison, Thos. Jr.,

Harrison, M. V.,

Hart, S. L.,

Hart, Wilson,

Hayes, H.,

Hays, John,

Henderson, James, Sen.,

Henderson, A.,

Henderson, David,

Henderson, James S..

Henderson, John S.,*

Henderson, John,*

Herring, G.,

Hockaday, Irvin O.,

Hopson, Sam , M.D.,

Holeman, Henry,*

Holt, James,*

Hopkins, Geo. B.,*

Hord, A-,

Herd, R. L.,*

Horn, John,

Hornbuckle, T. & M.,

Howard, Chilester,

Howson, John,

Huff, P. & S. L.,*

Hughes, Absalom, ¥

Humphries, Jas. & Richard,

Hunly, Nehemiah,

Hurney, George, ¥

Hyten, H.,

Hyten, Stephen, ¥

Keftp, Wm.,*

Kenady, David,

Kidwell, Wm.,

King, George,

Kitching, Thos.,

Knight, Wm.,

Kouns, Dr. Nathan,

Jackson, R. B.,

James, B. & L.,

Jameson, John, Jr.,

Jameson, Sam.,*

Jolley, John. ¥

Jones, Col. Jeff.,*

Langley, Asa,

Langley, James & William,

Level, Geo. ¥

Logan, Alexander,

Love, C. & James,

Love, Pbillip,

Loyd, J. W.,*

Lucas, Wm. D.,

Leeper, James B.,

McClanahan, James,

McClelland, Robert,

McClure, Sam.,

McCracking, O., ¥

McCredie, Geo,,

McCubbins, A.,*

McFarland, Geo..

McGary, H. H. & J. D.,*

McLaughlin, Wm.,

McKillip, James,*


McKinney, James,

McMurtry, L.,

McPheeters, Robert, Sr.,*

Martin, B. B.,

Martin, Billy,

Martin, John P.,*

Martin, John,

Martin, Sam.,*

Maupin, George,*

May, Harry,

Miller, H.* & M.,

Miller, John & Sam,,

Miller, Thomas,

Ming, J. & A.,

Moore, Charles,*

Moore, John & Sam.,*

Moore, Wharton,

Murry, Enoch,

Nash, Wm.,

Newsome, Judge Harvey,

Nichols, F. J.,*

Nicholas, George,

Nesbit, T. B.,*

Nesbit, John,

Nolly, Daniel,*

Overton, James,*

Overton, Lewis,

Overton, R. B.,

Pace, Rev. Wm. & Wyatt,

Palmer, Joel, ¥

Patten, John & Thos.,

Patten, J. & Wm.,

Pemberton, Ed.,

Phillips, John,

Pledge, J. A.,

Pratt, Thos.,*

Pratt, Win;,

Price, Thos.,

Prince, Oliver,

Ramsey, John, Jr.,

Ramey, Jonathan,

Read, John,

Read, Robert,

Renoe, Baylis,

Renoe, H. & R. D.,*

Reynolds, John,*

Rice, Absalom.*

Robinson, J. A.,*

Robinson, John,

Riley, Sam., ¥

Scholl, Jesse,

Scholl, Joseph,*

Scott, Capt. J. D.,*

Scott, John,

Shannon, James,

Sitten, John,*

Smart, Wm.,

Smith, Elkanah,*

Smith, R. B. C.,*

Smith, Thos.,

Smith, Wm.,*

Snell, W. W.,

Stephens, Rev. Peyton, & E.,

Suggett, James & William,*

Suggett, Thos., ¥

Tate, Isaac,

Tate, John & James,

Thomas, S.,

Truett, Thos.,

Trimble, John,

Tucker, St. George,

Tuman, Wm.,

Turner, Henry S.,

VanBibber, Daniel,*

VanBibber, Frank,*

VanBibber, George,

VanBibber, James,

Vinson, Wiley, ¥

Wallace, Wm., ¥

Ward, John,

Warner, Wyncoop,

Watson, Sam. & Aaron,*

Weant, A.,*

West, A.,

Whaley, David L'.,*

Whiply, John,

White, M. B.,

Wilkerson, Wm.,

Williams, Asa,

Williams, J: M.,*

Wise, Henry,*

Yates, John,

Young, Benjamin,

Young, Rev. John.


Table Legend

* - Still living in 1874.
¥ - Pensioners of War of 1812 Living in 1874.
Galwith, J. W., (oldest man in Callaway County, 93 years)