Callaway County in the "Wars"

War of 1812

List of 1812 veterans who settled in Callaway County.

In January of 1858, there was a meeting of the soldiers of the War of 1812 held at Fulton. No soldiers had entered the war from Callaway County [was not organized at that time] The names of the soldiers are men who emigrated to Callaway County from other states. These names are alphabetized.

Adcock, J. J. 66; Anderson, J. C. 65; Bennett, John 65; Boyd, John 61; Brown, Stephen 80; Bull,Jesse 70; Burdett, John 64

Curtis, Job 67; Darby, Samuel 65;Davis, James 64; Duncanson, John 72; Dunlap, David 64;Finley, J. B. 65; Glasgow, N. 63

Herring, George 66; Holt, John 77; Hopkins, G. b. 63; Johnson, G. T. 68; Jones, William 68; Maddox, Charles 67;

Maddox, Stephen 72; Martin, William 71; McNite 64; Miller, Samuel 68; Muir, Jerre 67; Read, Robert 66; Reily, R. 67

Robertson,J. A. 66; Sheley, S. 67; Smith, William 70; Snell, W. W. 66; West, John 61; Williams, Asa 65. ** Thomas Brooks who died in 1850.

In 1879 the following 1812 veterans were living in the county. *= not on list above

Adcock, Joel J.[J.J.] 85; -Barnes, alfred 89*, -Collins, Barba 86*; -Davis, J. R. 84; -Ewing, Pat 87*; -Gaines, Gideon 90*

Garrett, W. B. 79*, -Griffin, James M 81*, -Hopkins, G. B. 85*; -Hyten, Stephen age u/k; -Palmer, Joel 83*

Suggett, Thomas S. age u/k; -Vinson, Wiley 85*; -Wallace,William age u/k*


Black Hawk War [1832]

"In the spring of 1832, Captain Callaway was called on by the Govrnor to furnish two companies of mounted riflemen for the purpose of defending the northern boundary of the state, during the existence of the Black Hawk War.......Sometime during the month of June 1832, the citizens of Callaway met at Fulton for the purpose of responding...."

Elected at that meeting were Captains John Jameson and Patrick Ewing. 'Captain Jameson's Company, Robert Reed first lieutenant, John Gibson, 2nd lieutenant, and Hawley Wilkerson orderly sergeant"..."Major Reed had served with distinction in the War of 182-15 and participated in the Battle of New Orleans. Lt. Gibson was an early pioneer in north central Missouri and has seen service in nearly all the ranging parties in the first settlement of Montgomery and adjoining counties".. " Captains Ewing and Kirtley commanded a company, also.

Captain Jameson's Company left Fulton on the evening July 1, 1832, bound for Fort Pike. [note; their term of service expired August 10th]. Captain Jameson was theDemocratic candidate for the the Legislature in August election, which he won.]

List of Captain Jameson's Company

* Indicates dead in 1884- ! indicated 'removed from county- abstracted from History of Callaway County-evrey effort has been made to transcrip these corrctly, but errors are made, to correct an error, please contact me.

First Mess: Captain J. Jameson*, Thomas Jameson, Thomas Reynolds!, Benjamin Sitton!, John Sitton, John T. Smart* .

Second Mess: James M. Dunlap *, L. W. Musick!, Jesse B. Thompson !, James Thompson !, William Thompson !, Hawley Wilkinson *,

Third Mess: S. G. Boulware*, Franklin Branham *, Joseph Kelso *, Charles McKinney *, Samuel McKinney*, Jos. Richards *,

Fourth Mess; Aaron Anderson *, Absalom Austin *, Thomas Austin *, N. G. Bradley !, Charles McIntyre, Archibald Paseton!.

Fifth Mess: Robert C. Baker *, Isaiah Craighead *, Milton S. Devore *, John Gibson *, George W. Harris, Jr. *, William Jones.

Sixth Mess: George W. Harris !, M. V. Harrison *, Lewis Hawkins !, James M. Suggett *, Russell Phillips !,

Seventh Mess: Joseph Adair *, James Baskett *, Cyrus SE. harp *, William O. Thompson !, James Turley, John White *.

Eighth Mess: William Clasby *, John Davis *, Henry Heriford !, Bayless Kilgore !.First Lt. R. Reed *, James Willingham !,

Ninth Mess: John Chapman*, Phillip Blattenburg *, Joshua Duncan, John H. Henderson, Samuel Toler*,Mason S. Thatcher *,

Tenth Mess: Elisha Archer !, Edward Ayres *, John Heriford *, William Hynes *, Joseph Saller *.William O. Turley *,

Eleventh Mess: Hamilton Durham !, Jarret Dunaway !, Peter W. Ford !, Alexander R. Letcher *, John Letcher !, Jordon Underwood *,

Twelfth Mess: Andrew Alexander *, William H. Dawson *, M. P. Goodrich !, Britton Mathews !, Benjamin Shephard *, Thomas H. B. Sitton !,


Mexican War

In May of 1856, Governor Edwards called for volunteers to join the expedition to Sante Fe, new Mexico and take part in the War with Mexico. The first Regiment of Mounted Volunteers consisted of 856 men, including 104 from Callaway County under Captain Rodgers. At the Battle of Brazito, W. Dooley of Captain Rodgers Company was wounded.

List of Captain Rodgers Company:

Officers: Charles Rodgers Captain; Captain J. B. Duncan First Lieutenant; James Smith Second Lieutenant; B. F. Murray; Third Lieutenant; F. Letch First Sergeant; Thomas Jameson Second Sergeant; B. P. Jones ThirdSergeant; Phillip Blanckenburg Fourth Sergeant; Thomas Harrison First Corporal; C. A. Rogers Second Corporal.

Privates: J. Adcock; ___Andrews; ____Aylet; W. Bagby; B. F. Bailey; W. Baker; T. Baker; J. Breeding; Frank Berry; R. M. Berry; Levi Blount; T. Boles, w. Broadwater; Kit. Bullard; A. Carter; ____Cockerell; Berry Collier; Glover Collins; David Craig; F. Davis; John M. Davis; V. Davis; L. Derieux; W. A. Dickinson; P. Divers; H. Dooley; R. S. Dunlap; John Ennett; T. Ficklin; J. F. Fleming; L. Frank; B. French; W. French; James George; R. Glover; Odon Guitar;______Habernight; J. Harper; C. Harrison, Charles Hill; J. Humphries; H. S. Hunter; J. Johnson; Lewis Jones; J. W. Kelso; David Kern; John Leopard; M. Love; John McClure; J.W. McCray; F. S. McKinney; John Maddox; Y. Maddox; W. Morris; H. Y. C. Neal; W. H. Northcut; J. Oldham;D. H. Overton; ___Owen; W. Peyton; J. Price; R. a. Raphael; ____Ryan; A. Reed; Jefferson Ridgeway; J. Roberts; S. T. Sharp; B. Smart; R. Steward; John Swon; J. Thompson; J. Thorp; V. Thompson; M. Trimble; W. Trimble; Thomas Tureman; U. VanBibber; Hall Wilkerson; R. J. Williamson; Elijah A. Wills; C. Wright; R. Yancey.


"War Between the States" {Civil War}

Thirteen Companies entered the Southern Army from Callaway County. No record was preserved by any of the Commnaders or the Confederate Government. What southern records exist, can be found at the Missouri States Archives, Jefferson City or the Historical Society of Missouri, Columbia. the United Daughters of the Confederacy-Missouri records are the most complete group of records for the southern soldiers.

The following officers commanded the thirteen companies: Robert M. Berry; George Brooks; Henry Burt; Creed Carter; David Craig; jefferson Gibbs; -Thomas Hamilton; Thomas Holland; George Law; D. H. McIntyre; Milton Scholl; I. N. Sitton; Preston Wilkerson. "These companies were not all full". [Callaway County History]

"From the best information we can gather, there were between eight and eleven hundred men" to fight for the Confederacy.

"The number of men who entered the Union Army from Callaway County is estimated to be about three hundred and fifty. There were three full companies and part of another. The commanders of these companies were: Captains J. J. Johnso; William T Snell and Henry Thomas.

The Battle of Moore's Mill [ see URL below] was the only battle fought in Callaway County, although there were skirmishes that most went un-recorded except by word of mouth. Usually, between a few soldiers and others sympathetic to one side or the other.

Non-Combatants Killed

[1] "James Renoe was a southern sympatheizer, a quiet un-offensive man, never thrusting his political views upon others who differed with him; while he never concealed his views, when called on to express them. During the year 1862, a company of Confedearate soldiers camped near his father's house; one or two men went to the housae, ordered young Renoe and a negro man to take a load of corn to the camp. Renoe's father in accordance with an order issued by a man signing himself as A. Krekel, with headquarters at the Sate Insane Asylum in Fulton, requiring men to report the presence of rebels, etc., the next morning went to Fulton to report the rebels camped near his residence. The commander at Fulton had already heard of the fact, and had sewnt a company of soldiers to Renoe's home. Mr. Renoe was returningn home from Fulton, when he met the company of Union soldiers who had been to his home. He discovered the men were leading one of huis own horses, with a saddle on and further noticed a they pasted him that the saddle was bloody. He continued in the direction of his home, when after proceediing a short distance, he discovered the body of his son lying in a fence corner. He learned from parties who were working in a field, opposite the place the body laid, that the soldiers had shot him"

[2] During the month of October, 1862, William R. Given and David Given, his son, and Charles Hill were killed at the residence of the former seven miles northweast of Fulton......... a company of rebels were camped in the neighborhood, of the rebels had been accidently wounded. He was taken to the house by his comrades... this fact was made known to the commander at Fulton, who had charge of about one hundred men, composed largely of German. This company was sent out to attack and disperse the rebels, but before this was done, the company went to Givens house and took the three of them prisoners;......after making the arrestsm, the company was attack by the rebels....The guards asked the officer in command what must be done with the proisoners, the officer answeredmm telling them to kill them. [Hill was a Union man, the other two were southern, they were working on a roof schoolhouse when arrested].

[3] Others murdered in cold blood by this militia were William Robinson, William Scott [about 17 yrs old], Colonel James Brewer [an old man], James Brewers, Jr [another 17 yr old], John and James Marus, and others.







Online guide- Western Historical Manuscripts Collections-Columbia.-Listings

"Battle of Moores Mill" wounded & killed list









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