Contributed by: Doyle Williams
Jackson Lynes Dead.
Died, at his residence near New Bloomfield, Mo, Jackson Lynes, on Saturday morning at 2 o'clock July 16, aged, about 84 (could be 81) years. Funeral services by Rev. John E. Carr at 5 pm Sunday and burial at the New Bloomfield cemetery. For almost a year he had been an invalid and his death was the result of old age and general debility.
Few men were better known in southwest Callaway than Jack Lynes. He ran a general merchandise store at New Bloomfield for 25 or 30 years and was a model as an honest, enterprising and industrious business man. In his plain, blunt way without any dissimulation or deceit, he said just what he thought. The people knew him, believed in him and he held their confidence and patronage. He reared and educated a large family. His children are all grown and married except Miss Nannie who resides with her mother. The other children are Mrs. Statie Fisher, of Springfield, Mo.; Mrs. Susan Harding of the same place; Mrs. Belle Ames, of St. Louis; Mrs. Irene Dicus, New Mexico; Winston Lynes, who resides with his mother and Thorton Lynes who is one of the leading farmers and stockmen of the Bloomfield bailiwick. There was another son, Vert Lynes, a brilliant and promising young man, who died a few years ago.
Jackson Lynes was a son of Joseph Lynes, whose parents died when he was a small boy and he was raised by his aunt, Mrs. Wayne. When he was grown he married Mary Miller, of Kentucky, and settled in St. Louis county, Missouri, in 1805 - 90 years ago. In 1819 he moved to Boone County. His children were William, Jefferson, Washington, Madison, Harrison, Jackson, Perry, Elizabeth, Malinda and Pauline. Jefferson, Washington and Jackson married and settled in this county, the two latter in 1836, the former in 1831. Jefferson married Catharine Suggett, Washington married Susan Suggett and Jackson married Mary E. Hervey, who survives her husband and is remarkable for being one of the youngest looking ladies of her age in the county. She is wonderfully well preserved, being 70 years old and could easily pass for fifty.