Callaway County Tax List of 1823

The orginal tax list is in the possession of the Missouri Historical Society in St. Louis, Missouri. This list of names from the orginal is transcribed from the "Missouri Pioneers",  Volume 6, December 1969, pages 106-109.  Like any transcibed list beware of possible errors.  The first table is of residents of Callaway County.  The second table is for non-residents, chargeable with tax.

Chart One: Residents

Adams, William French, Lewis   Newson, John  
Agee, Mathew Fruit, Alexander   Newson, Robert  
Allen, Archabald   Fruit, Enoch Nichols, James
Allen, Bethell Frya, Antoine Nix, Caleb
Allen, Charles Foster, Elijah Owern, William
Allen, Sampson Foster, Mark Pare, Hiram
Alvis, Shadrack Fox, Levi Parker, Polly
Anderson, William   Galbreath, Torkle   Phillips, Andrew R.  
Archer, Elisha Garmon, Leonard Phillips, James
Arskren, Dennis Gibson, John Phillips, John
Aud, Joseph Goodrich, Benjamin   Powel, Charles
Baker, Esau Goodrich, James Pratt, John
Baker, Henry Gordon, James Pratt, William
Baker, Jacob Gordon, Joseph Prince, Daniel
Baker, John Graheart, Isaac Prince, Orestes
Baker, Martin x2 Grant, Isreal B. Pugh, Silas B.
Baker, Morris Grant, William Quick, Aaron
Baker, Robert Grason, Baptist Ragsdale, Thomas
Baker, Silvester Griffin, William Ramsay, Allen
Baker, Thomas H. Grissinn, William Ramsay, Jonathan
Baker, William M. Guthery, James T. Ramsay, Josiah Jr.
Baker, Zebediah Hall, Henry Ramsay, Josiah Sr.
Barns, Azle Ham, John C. Rankin, Thomas
Bartley, George Hamblin, John Read, John
Beadles, Berryman Hamilton, John Read, Robert
Bell, Mordecai Harper, Henry Revar, Joseph
Bennett, Aaron G. Harper, Thomas Rhodes, George
Bennett, John Harris, James Rhodes, Henry
Bethell, Samuel Harris, Peter Rhodes, Samuel
Biggs, Lawrence Harris, Thomas Riggins, James
Black, Isaac Harrison, Thomas Jr.   Riggs, Simon
Black, Joseph Harrison, Thomas Sr. Rippee, James
Boone, John L. Hatton, Hans Roark, Bryant
Boone, Samuel Hatton, Thomas Robinson, John A.
Boothe, George W. Haynes, Collett Robinson, Noah
Bradford, George Hays, Boone Rose, Bazel Jr.
Bragg, John B. Hays, John Rose, Bazel Sr.
Brite, Henry Henderson, David Rose, James
Brooks, James Henderson, James Rounsaville, Josiah
Brooks, Thomas Henderson, Jesse Roy, Baptist
Brown, Daniel Henderson, William Roy, Francis
Brown, Felix Herryford, John Roy, Joseph
Brown, James T. Herryford, Paul Roy, Lewis
Bryant, William Hicks, William Royer, Nicholas
Burkett, David Hirsh, George Runnels, Richard
Burkett, John Jr Hockaday, Irvine O. Rutherford, Mary
Burkett, John Sr Hollaway, Absalom Salsbury, John
Burt, George Hollaway, Jonathan Scholl, Jesse
Burt, Henry, dec'd Holt, Abner Scott, Willaim B.
Brut, John Holt, Hiram Shannon, James
Callaway, Joseph Hope, Adam Shobe, John
Callaway, Joseph P.   Hornbuckle, Rufus Simmons, Dudley
Callaway, Thomas Hornbuckle, Thomas Simpson, Foster
Carruth, Albert Hornbuckle, William Simpson, Selby
Chanler, Isaac Huddson, James M. C. Sitton, Ezra
Charlton, John Hughart, John Sitton, Jeffrey
Clendinnen, Daniel Humphreys, James Sitton, John
Clendinnen, William Humphreys, Richard Sitton, Joseph T.
Clifton, Bosman Humphreys, Richard N.   Smith, John M. x2
Coats, James, heirs Humphreys, Robert Smith, Rezin
Coats, John Humphreys, Samuel Smith, Thomas
Coats, William Jr. Inks, Joseph Smith, William
Coats, William Sr. Jefferson, Isaac Snell, Willis W.
Colgan, Daniel Joiner, Moses Stephens, Elijah
Colgan, Robert Jones, John Stephens, Thomas P.
Collins, Fayette Jones, Stephen Steriger, David
Conger, John Jones, William Stiles, Samuel
Coons, John Kamy?, Nathan Still, Samuel
Craghead, Robert Kitchings, Thomas Stokes, John D.
Craghead, Solomon King, George Stuart, John
Criswell, Robt. Wm. King, Isaiah Taylor, John
Crockett, Samuel x2 King, Thomas Taylor, Robert
Crow, Jonathan Lamkin, George Tebeau, Joseph
Crump, Richard Langley, Cullin Thomas, Elisha
Cunningham, Mark Langley, Isaac Thomas, Lewis B.
Darling, Mary Langley, James Thomas, Solomon
Davis, Abner Langley, John Jr. Thompson, Jesse
Davis, Gabriel Langley, John Sr. Thompson, Malinda
Davis, Jonathan Langley, Moses Jr. Thompson, William
Davis, Robert Langley, Moses Sr. Thomson, John H.
Daviss, Stephen C. Laplant, Louis Tipton, Joel
Denton, Thomas Lawler, Patrick Tomblinson, Wm.
Dillon, George Lee, John Tucker, Thomas
Dougherty, Charles Lee, Thomas G. Turner, Martin G.
Dougherty, Hugh Lenox, William Tyon, Francis
Duly, Nathaniel Lockhart, Andrew Vanbibber, Irvine
Duncan, John Lomax, Asahail Vanbibber, James
Dunlap, David Luca, William Vanbibber, Joseph
Dunlap, James Martin, John Vincennes, Lewis
Dunlap, Robert Martin, William Vincent, Daniel
Dunnica, John May, Gabriel Wadley, Francis
Dyer, John May, Henry Walker, David
Edwards, Matthew McCormick, William Wallace, William
Edwards, William McCutchon, James R. Ward, Charles
Ellis, Abrahm McDonald, Francis Ward, John
Ellis, Edward S. McKenna, Peter Ward, Patrick
Estel, James McKinney, James Warner, Wynkoop
Estes, John McLaughlin, Daniel Wilfrey, John
Evans, George x2 McLaughlin, William Williams, Asa
Evans, John McQueen, Thomas Williams, Joseph
Ewing, James Melton, Silus Williams, Payton
Ewing, Patrick Menix, Hugh Williams, Samuel
Ewing, Robert A. Miller, Abraham Williams, William
Farmer, Jane Miller, Samuel Wilson, James
Ferguson, John Miller, William Wood, William
Ferguson, John Jr. Moore, Samuel T. Wood, Zachariah
Ferguson, John Sr. Moore, Wharton R. Young, Benjamin
Ferguson, Joshua Murry, Enoch Younger, Charles
Ferguson, Moses Nance, Nancy Younger, William
Ferguson, Rebecca Nash, Ira Zevely, James
Ferguson, Swan Nash, William Zumwalt, Christopher Jr.
Ferrier, Nathaniel Neill, Arthur Zumwalt, Christopher Sr.  
Ferrier, Thomas Neill, Henry Zumwalt, Francis
Fia, Nicholas Nevins, James Zumwalt, Jacob
Fisher, Thomas Nevins, John Zumwalt, Jacob, dec'd
Fraim, John Nevins, Joseph Zumwalt, Peter
French, John                         Newcom, Anderson                                                                

Chart Two: Non-Residents

Allen, Moses                        Decker, John                            Miller, John                            
Apling, William   Dyer, Samuel Miller, Philip  
Armstrong, Andrew   Elder, Jesse Monicle, Christopher  
Ashley, William H. Ellis, Peter Morris, John
Bacon, Lancston Ewing, Samuel Mosely, Sharrach
Bacon, Ludwell Finly, Dabner Neill, Stephen
Bacon, Reubon Finly, John North, James
Baldridge, James Grant, Squire B.   Price, Risdon H.
Bartley, John Gray, Henry Rector, Elias
Bass, Lawrence Gray, John Rector, William
Bass, Peter Gray, Presly Robinson, John
Beatie, James Hammond, Samuel   Sexton, George
Bell, John Hardy, John S. Sharp, Benjamin
Bell, Philip Harris, Barnabus, heirs   Sientz, William
Benson, James H. Haynes, Patrick Singleton, Jaconias
Benton, Thomas H. Heiskell, William Smith, John
Berry, Taylor Hemstead, Charles Smith, Thomas A.
Black, Simon Henthorn, John Stith, David B.
Brown, John Hiatt, Frederick Stoddard, Amos, heirs  
Bryant, Jonathan Hirne, Lewis Taylor, John
Chouteau, Pierre Howdeshell, John Tegard, Richard
Clark, Isaac Hunter, Andrew Thompson, James
Clark, John King, John Todd, Roger N.
Clemson, Eli B. Lamme, William T. Trevilion, John
Cleveland, Milton Langham, August Welch, James E.
Cox, Amos Langham, Elias S. Whiteside, James
Craig, James Lucas, Charles, dec'd Wiggins, Stephen R.
Crow, Joseph Marrs?, James Zumalt, David
Cullinns, Tilman Masters, Jesse
Dawson, Robert D. McDonald, Mathew