The History and Genealogy of Callaway County, Missouri


The Callaway County Missouri Journal website now offers the convenience of RSS feeds which provide a means to view and deliver new or updated Callaway County history and genealogy content that is posted on to your website or desktop. The RSS feeds are organized by channels; however, for now, we will only be delivering all changes or updates to the website in a single channel. By subscribing to this channel, you can have the important headlines of changes on our website delivered to your XML enabled website or desktop on topics of interest to you.

To get started:

The CCMJ XML/RSS feed icon helps you identify that an RSS Feed is available. This icon will have the URL link to that channel. To subscribe to the channel, right-click on it and choose Copy Shortcut. Switch to your reader and select File, New menu option (this may vary based on your reader). Follow the menus to add the channel.

If you click on this icon, a new browser window will open that includes the XML code. All you need is the URL that points your reader to that channel. For example our Callaway County History and Genealogy News channel URL looks like this:
To add the channel, you can copy this URL from the browser into your reader. See the instructions in your reader software on how to create a new channel.

Once you have subscribed, your reader will automatically check the channel for updates. For example, if KCHSoc posts a new Cemeteries article, and you've subscribed to our General Channel, you will see that this article has been added in your reader. You can go directly to that new article on Callaway County Missouri Journal. This is a great way to keep up-to-date on the new or updated content posted on the CCMJ website. We have many history and genealogy articles that you can receive information on through your RSS/XML subscription to in the RSS format. Please subscribe and enjoy!

Benefits of RSS Feeds

What is RSS?

RSS stands for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication and is based on a technology known as XML. Among other things, RSS allows you to view headlines of the latest content posted on a website. When you see the XML XML icon on a page on any website, you will know that that particular article or topic has an associated RSS channel. You will need an RSS reader (also known as a news aggregator) to properly interpret the RSS feeds on the channel. These readers also allow you to subscribe to the channel. The advantage of an RSS feeds is you only view the most recent changes to our site. This alerts you to an important change or addition in a history or genealogy topic that may be of interest to you.

RSS Resources

General information on RSS

Popular RSS readers (news aggregators). Most are software applications that must be installed onto your computer. Download one and give it a try!

Other available RSS readers (news aggregators) are listed here.

Listings of RSS/XML Resources on this page does not constitute endorsement of any or all products.