Welcome to our Callaway County- MO-GenWeb page. This is a linking point to all of the various functions of the Missouri USGenWeb and the national USGenWeb. Some of these links may be found on other pages as well as this one.
We are a group of volunteers working together to provide Internet websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States. This Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free access for everyone. To learn more abou the MO USGenWeb visit our " Missouri Site of USGenWeb Page " and on a national level- see the "About Page".
Please refer back to our "Home" page for other information and categories for genealogical and historical content for Callaway County.
The original USGenWeb was the brainchild of Jeff Donald Murphy August 28, 1947 - May 20, 2001 who was the Founder of Independent Linking Genealogy Projects which later became The USGenWeb.
The alternative to the old Gen Connect Boards (This is the place to find out the information about Callaway County and its' residents that you have always wanted to know and to find out what everybody else is asking and seeking. We invite you to join the Callaway County discussion board, for lively discussions on almost any Callaway County, History and Genealogy related topic. We want to invite you to look this board over and feel free to join in with your questions and comments.) |
Adjoining Counties to Callaway County | Missouri Archives |
Audrain- north and west | African-American Research |
Boone- West | Missouri Census Project |
Cole- South | Missouri-Civil War |
Montgomery- East | The Lewis & Clark Descendant Project |
Osage- Across the Missouri | Missouri Archives Project |
USGenWeb Archives Project |