Callaway County Missouri Journal is an independent website recently affliated with USGenWeb and MoGenWeb representing Callaway County, Missouri. We are a recent addition to the RootsWeb community of web sites, recently moving here from GeoCities where we continually had difficulties with all of the advertizements and popups on that web site. We are proud to offer the very best of Callaway County, Missouri History and Genealogy and proud to be a part of USGenWeb, MoGenWeb, and RootsWeb. We hope that you will find this web site to fulfill your desires for Callaway County, Missouri related information.
The information presented on this web site is free, and our motives for the most part, are altruistic in nature. As with any free web site we are dependent upon you, the user, to become part of our supporters by providing us with as much information on Callaway County as you can help us with. Any suitable information provided to this web site will be included in this web site offerings and properly credited to the submitter. Submissions to this web site will become the property of this web site with a copy of all submissions going directly to the Kingdom of Callaway Historical Society to aid in their preservation efforts. We welcome submission information in all of the categories presented on this web site and encourage the submission of digital pictures to support these articles and listings. In addition to these submissions we are also requesting your help by volunteering to be an information 'lookup', or to volunteer your services with key data entry on many of our ongoing projects to bring you the most and best information available. Please refer to our 'Help Us' page on this site available to you in the menu area at the top of each major page. Your help will be sincerely appreciated by all users of this web site.
Betty Brooks I am a retired medical office manager. My interest in genealogy and family stems from being told stories as a child about my ancestors. The earliest date that I can document doing research or accumulating family records is in 1958, when I clipped some family obituaries. From then on, I have been "hooked". Some of my Callaway County ancestors were in the area before it became a county and before statehood in 1821, and are shown on the 1817 territorial Census for St. Charles County. Others came in the 1830's. My husband's ancestry is also Callewegian, and again, by 1817. His great grandfather was a Lt. in the War of 1812 from Ky. The reason for the website is merely to pay back some of the tremendous assistance I received over the years, by helping others. I believe in keeping genealogy free to all and this is my way of adding a little bit. |
Wayne E. Johnson Wayne is a semi-retired engineer / chemist who has recently found a love of Genealogy and History, and in finding his roots in Callaway County, Missouri he has decided to turn his efforts to helping to document the history of Callaway County, Missouri on the internet. He has recently taken on the task of reorganizing and updating the Kingdom of Callaway Historical Society web site in addition to this web site and finds himself deeply embroiled in documenting the older cemeteries of Callaway County through location, listings, and digital photos. |