About Callaway County Missouri Journal

Historical 'Kingdom of Callaway'

Callaway County was organized on November 25, 1820 and named for Captain James Callaway who was killed in a fight with Indians near Loutre Creek. Captian Callaway was the grandson of Daniel Boone. The county-seat was established at Elizabeth (named in honor of Mrs. Henry Brite). The first circuit court was held in the home of Henry Brite on February 5th, 1821 with the Honorable Rufus Pettibone presiding. The county-seat remained in Elizabeth until 1826 when it was moved to what is now Fulton.

Burial site of Capt. James Callaway (namesake of Callaway County) and his Rangers, killed in the War of 1812. Includes information, photos, and location data.
Click above.

The Missouri State Archives has recently published an online exhibit about the Missouri State Mental Hospital #1, located at Fulton, Missouri. This exhibit is quite detailed and well documented with photographs, historic images, and quotes from significant staff members. This exhibit may be found online at the following URL: State Mental Hospital #1

Click here to hear "On This Date in Missouri History"
By Bob Priddy

 Callaway County Courthouse Page
Callaway County Courthouse in the 1930's.

Wednesday, December 12, 2001

"December 6 was a bad day for online genealogy. As if the CA/TX vital records flap isn't enough, a federal judge ordered the Department of the Interior to remove itself from the Internet entirely on December 6th, because its database on Indian trust fund accounts was found to be vulnerable to hackers. Judge Royth Lambert ordered DOI to "immediately disconnect from the Internet all information technology systems that house or provide access to individual Indian trust data." He also ordered the shutdown of "all computers within the custody and control of the Department of the Interior, its employees and contractors that have access to the individual Indian trust data." This is bad enough for interior employees, who can't even use their email now. And for folks who rely on the USGS weather data or its earthquake information or people wanting to use the National Parks Service site. Us poor genealogists no longer have access to its Geographical Name Server or to the Bureau of Land Management land records. Indefinitely."
