About Callaway County Missouri Journal

Slavery in Missouri & Little Dixie
and Post-Slavery Development

* % is based on free whites appearing in census.

This page dedicated to exploring the development of slavery in Missouri, particularly in Callaway County, and the long arduous path of establishing and integrating the newly emerging black community into society. On this page we don't intend to present the issues of slavery; but intend to provide as much information as possible about the extent of it, provide as much historical and genealogical information as possible, and to trace the development of the black communities after emancipation.

In the left sidebar we are presenting statistical historical census data to represent the development, growth, and distribution of the institution of slavery in Missouri and we include slave census data for a number of townships of Callaway County to provide a basis for genealogical information for this developing black community. We need your help in volunteering to help complete the 1860 Slave Census for Callaway County, Missouri. At this time the following five townships of the 1860 Slave Census are complete: Bourbon, Cedar, Cote Sans Dessein, Liberty, and Round Prairie. The following eleven townships are left to be completed: Auxvasse, Cleveland, East Fulton, Guthrie, Jackson, McCredie, Nine Mile Prairie, St. Aubert, Shamrock, Summit, and West Fulton. The slave schedules for the 1830, 1840, and 1850 Federal Census remain uncompleted. Links to Federal Census transcription forms and census images are also provided in the left sidebar. If you can help us complete these census transcription, please contact us by e-mail. Additionally, are providing blank databases in Microsoft Works Database format, formatted for the various U.S. Census years which included slave census information for the Callaway County area. We hope to make other slave schedule transcription file formats available in the near future. Links to Census Extraction forms (in Adobe *.pdf format) are available at the bottom of the left sidebar.

New ------->  Map of the Black Churches of Callaway County

In the near future we hope to be presenting information on the black schools and churches that developed in Callaway County including their locations, members or students, and any other historical information on them that we can garner. If you have information on any of these Schools, to include photographs, teachers names, and names of students; or on any of these Churches, to include photographs, history, ministers names, and names of congregation please e-mail us about your submission.